Patric Jean

A philologist by training, Patric Jean is a pro-feminist filmmaker and author, and a speaker specializing in equality between individuals. An award-winning documentary filmmaker for Les Enfants du Borinage (released in 1999), he also directed La Raison du plus fort (released in 2005), in which he shows how, instead of fighting poverty, Europe's major democracies are fighting the poor. In the late 2000s, he shot the film essay La Domination masculine (released in 2009), for which he infiltrated groups of masculinist men in Quebec. This experience enabled him to draw the link between this increasingly assertive movement and the systemic impunity of pedophile criminals and incestuous fathers in particular, a line of reasoning he articulated in his essay La Loi des pères, published by Editions du Rocher in 2020, with the Italian edition published in 2022.  

With L'Agency, Patric Jean is currently working on an essay that examines the question of gender equality in the light of complex systems theory.

Patric Jean