Emmanuel Roux

Emmanuel Roux is an essayist and former student of the French National School of Administration (ENA) and a magistrate at the Cour des comptes.

A specialist in political philosophy, he published Machiavel, la vie libre in 2013 (Editions Raisons d'Agir), and two other essays published by Michalon: one in 2022 on the writings of Guy Debord, and the previous one in 2015 on the intellectual, artistic and political trajectory of George Orwell. In 2017, he co-wrote with his brother Mathias Roux an essay on Jean-Claude Michéa which was published by Editions du Bord de l'Eau.  

With L'Agency, and again in collaboration with his brother Mathias Roux, he is currently working on an essay on the great criminal cases which will be published by Actes Sud in 2023.


Emmanuel Roux